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Cornwall Youth Choirs is a family of four choirs offering musical opportunities to children and young people from as early as 4 years old.
Our four choirs meet regularly throughout the year, giving the young people of Cornwall the chance to explore new repertoire, learn new skills, make new friends and celebrate our Cornish heritage through music.
The phrase “Onen hag oll” lies at the heart of the Cornwall Youth Choir, emphasizing unity and collective purpose. The Cornwall Youth Choir family (CYC) comprises four graduated choirs that meet regularly across Cornwall. These choirs provide opportunities for children as young as four and young people up to the age of 25, each with varying levels of experience. Within CYC, there exists a framework for musical progression, fostered in a vocally nurturing environment of inclusion, mutual respect and celebrating a sense of place. CYC singers recognize their role in drawing attention to local issues affecting young people. They focus on protecting the local environment (for example, their costumes are made of recycled fabrics!) and promoting positive youth mental health through their choral community and network. Their repertoire is thoughtfully chosen to align with their values while maintaining musical motivation and interest across a wide range of new musical influences and genres.
Cornish Translation
An lavar “Onen hag oll” a wrowedh orth kolon Keur Yowynkneth Kernow, yn-dann bosa war unses ha porpos kuntellek. An teylu Keur Yowynkneth Kernow (KYK) a gomprehend peswar keur gradhyes a omvet yn rewlyek a-dreus dhe Gernow. An keuryow ma a brov chonsyow rag fleghes mar yowynk avel peswar bloodh ha yonkers bys dhe 25 bloodh, pub huni gans nivelyow dyffrans a brevyans. A-berth yn KYK, yma framweyth rag avonsyans ilowek, synsys yn kerghynnedh magerethek war anow a dhalghuster, kesrevrons ha solempnya omglewans a le. Kanoryon KYK a aswon aga rann yn displetya materyow leel ow menni tus yowynk. I a fogel war witha an kerghynnedh leel (rag ensampel, aga dillas yw gwrys a wiasow eylgylghys!) hag avonsya yeghes brysel yowynkneth posedhek der aga hemeneth ha rosweyth keurel. Aga huntel a ganow yw dewisys yn tybyansek dhe alina gans aga briow yn-dann witha movyans ilowek ha les a-dreus dhe efander ledan a awedhyansow ilowek nowydh ha gisyow.

“We care passionately about the planet and the environment, particularly where we live. Our message through this song is to save, protect and ensure future generations are able to enjoy Cornwall’s beauty”
Members of Cornwall Children's Choir doing a beach clean in Summer 2023
Castle Beach, Falmouth
Songs sung from the heart and with Cornish soul and grit! Both choirs had such mutual respect for one another.
Audience member
CYC and Mevagissey Male Voice Choir
March 2023
We haven't heard singing like that in twenty years. We're really touched by the beauty of their voices.
Audience member
CYC and Boscastle Bouys
March 2023
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